MATERNITY Sweet Almond Oil nicely scented 500 ml
14,40 € VAT exc.
Olio di mandorle dolci puro 100% naturale. Emolliente, lenitivo, nutriente ed elasticizzante ricco di Vit. A, B, E, minerali e bioflavonoidi, indicato in gravidanza per contrastare la comparsa delle smagliature e dopo il parto per recuperare la tonicità cutanea di addome, seno, glutei e gambe. Restituisce morbidezza ed elasticità aiutando il corpo della donna ad adattarsi alle nuove forme. Ottenuto mediante la spremitura a freddo dei semi maturi di Prunus Amygdalus Dulcis, processo di estrazione che consente di mantenere inalterate tutte le caratteristiche, le proprietà funzionali e la resistenza all'ossidazione dell'olio anche senza impiego di conservanti. Linea dermocosmetica Maternity SkinSystem specifica per il trattamento professionale e domiciliare della futura mamma durante e dopo la gravidanza. Formule e texture innovative arricchite da principi attivi naturali senza parabeni, petrolati, paraffine, solfati, nickel ed altri metalli pesanti studiate appositamente per la cura del corpo della futura mamma e del suo bebè.
€ 14,40
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Go to cartMATERNITY Almond Milk 200 ml
18,00 € VAT exc.
Format 200 mlSpecific cosmetic line or the professional treatment of pregnant women.Body milk rich in Vitamins A and E, moisturizes, nourishes and elasticizes the skin in depth without greasing, leaving it pleasantly perfumed and velvety.
€ 18,00
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Go to cartMATERNITY Pure Shea Butter 200 ml
21,60 € VAT exc.
Format 200 mlMaternity SkinSystem dermocosmetic line specific for the professional and home treatment of the mother-to-be during and after pregnancy.Innovative formulas and textures enriched with natural active ingredients without parabens, petrolatum, paraffin, sulphates, nickel and other heavy metals, specially formulated for the care of the body of the mother-to-be and her baby.
€ 21,60
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Go to cartMATERNITY Pure Vitamin E Concentrate 30 ml
22,60 € VAT exc.
Product based on 100 percent pure Vitamin E. It strengthens, nourishes and protects skin tissue, making it more elastic and resistant. The use of this valuable, highly concentrated product helps the body adapt to its new shape, counteracting the appearance of stretch marks and after childbirth regaining elasticity and tone. Maternity SkinSystem dermocosmetic line specifically for professional and home treatment of the mother-to-be during and after pregnancy. Innovative formulas and textures enriched with natural active ingredients without parabens, petrolatum, paraffins, sulfates, nickel and other heavy metals designed specifically for the body care of the mother-to-be and her baby.
€ 22,60
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