Toning Body Oil 500 ml
30,60 € VAT exc.
Sea Oak, Vitamin E, Horse ChestnutFormat 500 mlSpecific massage oil for the treatment of skin imperfections of Cellulite. Extraordinary in its smoothness and yield. It helps with specific creams to get amazing results even from the first applications.
€ 30,60
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Go to cartDraining Body Oil 500 ml
30,60 € VAT exc.
Functional massage oil specific for the treatment of skin blemishes caused by water retention.
€ 30,60
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Go to cartNeutral Massage Cream GUARANA' CAFFEINE 500 ml
22,20 € VAT exc.
Crema neutra particolarmente indicata per il messaggio generico. Grazie alla sua formulazione bilanciata e alla sua elevata scorrevolezza, risulta il prodotto ideale nei massaggi generici o degli sportivi. Arricchita con estratto di Guarana' e Caffeina, svolge un'importante azione stimolante del metabolismo e drenante. Lascia la pelle liscia morbida, idratata e, in sinergia con il sapiente massaggio della professionista, aiuta a riportare tonicità a tessuti rilassati.
€ 22,20
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Go to cartBREAST Cream 250 ml
21,60 € VAT exc.
Algae, Horehound, Tripeptide 5Format 250 mlVery delicate emulsion based on highly concentrated herbal extracts. Particularly indicated in the firming and elasticizing treatment of the breast. It reduces the depth of stretch marks, stimulating the production of fibroblasts, essential for the synthesis of collagen, backbone of the dermis.
€ 21,60
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Go to cartDRAINING Mud 500 ml
21,60 € VAT exc.
Fucus, Laminaria, Ruscus, Ivy, Paullina CupanaFormat 500 mlThe draining mud, has a strong action of restoring the microcirculation favoring the elimination of excess fluids that stagnate in the skin tissues. Thanks to the synergy with the other plant extracts, algae and green ventilated clays, it prevents and progressively decreases the imperfection of the stagnation of liquids with visible results already from the first treatments.
€ 21,60
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Go to cartDRAINING Body Sinergy 30 ml
22,60 € VAT exc.
Prezioso composto di oli essenziali indicato per il trattamento urto dei tessuti degli arti inferiori particolarmente interessati dal problema della ritenzione idrica.
€ 22,60
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Go to cartLIGHT LEGS Spray 150 ml
22,60 € VAT exc.
Ginkgo Biloba, Asian Centella, Horse Chestnut, Sea Weed, Ruta, Ruscus, Red Grapewine, Ivy, Aloe Vera, Peppermint and LemonFormat 150 mlAnti-fatigue leg spray. Special phytotherapeutic formula with high concentration, effective to counteract heaviness and swelling of the lower limbs, felt during the hot season, during pregnancy or after intense sporting activity.
€ 22,60
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Go to cartDRENA SLIM Body Bendage (2 soaked bandages)
28,80 € VAT exc.
Horse Chestnut, Carrot, Fenugreek, Seaweed Chlorella, Asian Centella, Sage Officinale, HopFormat n. 2 soaked bandagesCold bandages for the body rich in highly concentrated vegetable active ingredients, designed to counteract skin blemishes due to water retention. Easily conveyable, it acts quickly, stimulating the microcirculation and promoting the elimination of excess liquids in the skin tissues. Suitable for thighs, buttocks and abdomen.
€ 28,80
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Go to cartTONIC body Cream 200 ml
28,80 € VAT exc.
Voluform' ' Sveltine® ST - Burro di Karitè Crema intensiva ad azione rassodante e rimodellante per il corpo. Indicata per il trattamento profondo degli inestetismi cutanei legati alla perdita di tono ed elasticità, assicura una ritrovata tonicità e forme più armoniche. La sua efficacia è garantita dall'azione sinergica tra due Principi Attivi brevettati e un ingrediente fitoterapico in alta concentrazione: il Voluform' riempie i volumi in profondità, lo Sveltine® ST rimodella cosce, addome e fianchi e solleva i glutei, mentre il Burro di Karitè elasticizza la pelle permettendole di mantenere il suo tono naturale e prevenendone le smagliature.
€ 28,80
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Go to cartBODY SCULPT PLASTER Cryo/Thermo Modelling Treatment
77,00 € VAT exc.
Professional Plaster with Shock Effect Modeling Action. Thanks to its natural mineral components, it gives the body an immediate firmness and tone from the first application. In association with certain active ingredients and manual skills, it produces an enhanced slimming and reducing effect.In order to perform the complete protocol, the following products are required:- Cellulite Body Sinergy or Draining Body Sinergy- Strong Cellulite Body Oil or Draining Body Oil- Bandages- Cellulite MousseWatch here the tutorial.
€ 77,00
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Go to cartDraining and Toning Marine Crystals 500 ml
36,00 € VAT exc.
Enhanced Multifunctional Fango-Scrub specific for the prevention and treatment of skin blemishes, water retention and skin laxity.Deeply removes dead cells, promoting tissue regeneration. Stimulates blood microcirculation, avoiding the typical stagnation effect due to incorrect ascent of fluids or sedentary lifestyle, thus reducing swelling and heaviness of the lower limbs.The synergistic action of the active ingredients, elasticises and tones the tissues, slowing down skin aging.The product can be used with two different functions: as a functional scrub or as a professional draining and toning mud.
€ 36,00
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Go to cartDraining and Toning Home Treatment Set
SkinSystem Draining and Toning Home Treatment Set, specially designed to continue the Professional Treatment in the comfort of your home while intensifying and/or prolonging the effects obtained in the cabin. Discover the complete protocol!
€ 0,00
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